Building an integral quality system, in which cooperation and coherence within the main processes are central, and with the aim of inspiring everyone to make quality a normal matter, gives me energy.
Building a quality system with great enthusiasm and a pragmatic approach, in which the connection with the other disciplines is central, is a logical thing for me. Ensuring the translation of the detailed requirements set by the market into work processes that are of added value for everyone. From a quality perspective, a core task is to keep operations, purchasing, R&D and sales focused, but in a way that focuses on collaboration. Do not fight for the truth, but look for practical solutions within the existing processes, in order to ultimately achieve the joint organizational goals.
Lisette has more than 20 years of experience in the quality profession within various food companies. Her enthusiastic view of quality and the human side, in which connection is central to her, characterizes her vision and style as a professional. She studied food technology at the HAS, has done business administration and organizational psychology.