Working safe is priority number 1 in any production environment. It takes quite a lot to build and maintain the corresponding mindset and the behavior aimed at this in an organization. A combination of structure, leadership, permanent focus and targeted improvement steps is required to achieve this goal. It is precisely this cohesion that makes it complex, because assurance is mainly in behavior and leadership.
How to build and safeguard the right safety culture step by step is the core of the support our team offers.
We say safety is number 1, but in practice we see different behaviour. We want to make a change here with a targeted safety program, can you help with that?
We want to get started with growing the safety awareness together with quality awareness and also eliminating losses in our operations. Can ARV support in setting up such a coherent program?
There have been some incidents lately. Can you help our people perform the root cause analysis and draw up an improvement plan?